Monday, April 21, 2008

Removing a Company Screensaver

Our company recently pushed out one of those motivational screen savers - you know, the ones with the cute little pictures and annoying little sayings. Of course, since they don't want you to be able to remove the screen saver they disable the "Screen Saver" tab in your machine's "display properties" window and there's no obvious way to turn off the miserable thing. The answer - hack the registry.

Open registry editor: Start -> run -> regedit.exe
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Desktop

To simply remove the screen saver, change the ScreenSaverActive key from 1 to 0.

To get rid of the corporate screen saver, look for the key SCRNSAVE.exe. The value of this key is the path to the screen saver. You can navigate to this path and delete/rename the file or change the path to point a different screen saver.

Enjoy your motivationless day!


Unknown said...

my company runs a script every once in a while to prevent this kind of hack. Im screwed :)

wilhelmtell said...

so run your own script to run after theirs ;)

Unknown said...

I guess I could setup a task to keep setting registry keys back to the way I want them.. in an interval more often then their script..


mpflug said...

If your company continues to push out the screen server on logon, try making a copy of c:\windows\system32\logon.scr (or your favorite screensaver) and renaming it to whatever your company is pushing out. Chances are they won't do a checksum on the file and you'll be fine.

Unknown said...

Good one!

But ah well... when they are that paranoid, the least of my worries is the screen saver.

I'm always in search of portable apps (like the ones from That way you can always run whatever you like without having to go through the stupid install process, which is detectable and avoidable by company policy.